Change can be quick-Everything Changes

“In 10 seconds, everything changed. It was an apocalypse. There was blood everywhere.” –Elouan Preaud, who was having breakfast with his wife, Angelina Centeno, waiting to board a flight to Colombia when two blasts struck Brussels Airport.

I have a cork board mounted to the wall in front of my desk. Tacked to this board are; a picture of my kids when they were little, two of my favorite cartoons, maps of projects I am working on, a list of my favorite quotes, Buddha’s Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, the Dalai Lama’s 18 rules of life and these two words in big bold print “Everything Changes”.

It took a catastrophic event in my own life to make me realize that nothing is static. One incident and all my plans, hopes, many of my relationships and my career changed. At the time, I did not perceive this “adjustment” to be good. It was, without a doubt, life altering. In order to survive I had to create a new normal out of what had been my normal. Very quickly I learned a lot about myself. I understood, first-hand, the concept of perspective. I realized that there were only a handful of people who truly loved and cared about me, and fortunately they were enough to get me over the hump and help me survive.

“In 10 seconds, everything changed.”

If you are living your life as if nothing ever changes you are either a fool or you are not living your life with your eyes and your heart open. There is no way to prepare for every possible change, there is no way to predict it, there is only to accept it, accept that change is inevitable and when it happens hope that you have something firm to grasp be it family, faith or the sturdy branch of an oak tree and hold on until the storm passes….and it will pass.

“In our lives, change is unavoidable, loss is unavoidable. In the adaptability and ease with which we experience change lies our happiness and freedom.” – Buddha

About ends and beginnings blog

I am a frustrated writer and poet waiting to be discovered. A stand-up philosopher performing on a street corner near you. A Christian with questions but I don’t want to hear your answers. A Buddhist with a bumper sticker on my truck to prove it. A collector of quotes. A grower of lettuce. The Patron Saint of earthworms who name their children after me. A cyclist whose big ass strains the seams of his Lycra bibs. I am American by birth, Southern by the grace of God. My goal in life is to leave an imprint on the lives of the people I love not a footprint on the earth. I am a son, a husband, a father composed of 65%-Oxygen, 18%-Carbon, 10%-Hydrogen, 3%-Nitrogen, 3%-Diet Coke and 1%-Oreo.
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9 Responses to Change can be quick-Everything Changes

  1. Patty says:

    Beautifull and so true! Just love this post, Kind regards, Patty

    Liked by 1 person

  2. sallysuccess says:

    So right, everything changes, and the best response is to accept that change since we often can’t predict it, nor prepare for it. Change is the only constant factor, as we often say. Best practice for me: ‘Cling to the unchangeable Changer’!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Geena says:

    The concept of perspective 🙂 Yes only then we understand and see the handful of people who stick by us still. Life altering and extremely challenging but in the end what you are left with is an amazing discovery 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A beautiful reminder to me.. something firm to hold on to – faith, family and true friends for me. Thank you for this post.

    Liked by 1 person

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