What God knows

“God already knew this was going to happen. It is sad There is reason and purpose for everything.” – Facebook comment

This is the story as I understand it, a woman puts her two young children into her car and drives to an apartment complex. There she shoots and kills a lady in the parking deck that is somehow involved with her estranged husband. She drives towards her house located in a small community about 10 miles away but stops before she gets home. She pulls into a parking lot and shoots both of her young children in the head and then kills herself. This happened last Thursday evening.

I posted recently that I had gotten a Facebook account because many of the activities I am involved in, hikes, and bicycle rides are now only posted on Facebook. I have my privacy settings on lock down, no friends, you can’t find me. Even my Dad who spends all day, everyday trying to find “new friends” doesn’t know I am on.

This tragic event happened in my community, honestly in my backyard. I don’t know anyone who was involved but it shook me to my core. On October 25, 1994 a woman by the name of Susan Smith from Union, SC, a community right up the road from me, buckled her two young children into her car with the intention of driving all of them including herself into a lake. She changed her mind as the car was sinking but couldn’t save her two babies who both drowned.

1994 was pre-social media, pre-Facebook. About the only way to get your “thoughts” out there back then was to write a letter to your local paper and as I remember it the letters poured in. These letters ranged from concern to disgust. Prays were extended as were offers to personally flip the switch on the electric chair. I had two small children myself then, a four-year old and a one-year old. My heartached for the father, for the grandparents, for the friends and for Susan Smith who remains in prison.

Twenty-three years later and another senseless tragedy has struck again and my heartaches but this time there are many more souls involved, two fathers, multiple grandparents, parents, friends, and the victims. And the other change from twenty-three years ago, social media.

As I read the news accounts of this story on Facebook I also read some of the comments people had posted. Many, if not most, were consoling offering prays, blessings and grace to those involved. Others, though, were not so kind. Honestly they were ugly, mean and disgusting. But one comment really bothered me and also bothered a number of other people; “God already knew this was going to happen. It is sad. There is reason and purpose for everything.”

For many of you that have followed my blog for the last year and a half you know that I struggle with “some” of the people who profess to be followers of Jesus Christ. The lady who posted this comment could be the poster child for my troubles with many Christians. Her statement is devoid of any of the compassion Jesus spoke about or taught.

According to this woman, the murder, the execution of three souls, two of them innocent children was on God’s drawing board from the very beginning. As I read this lady’s statement, when the woman at the center of all this mayhem was born 36 years ago God knew then she would have two children, murder the friend of her estranged husband, then murder her two children plus kill herself. I am sorry, that is not the God that I believe exists and if that is the true nature of God, then I don’t believe in God or any of the other trappings of the Christian faith. This lady was taken to task but some for her comment but I was surprised by the number of people who supported her and continue to support her this morning.

So where does this leave me? I don’t know. I try to imagine how the two father’s feel right now after having lost their sweet children. I try to imagine how the parents feel after their 26-year-old daughter was killed in a cold-blooded rage. I try to imagine what was in this mother’s mind as she drove away from the parking deck after having just shot someone, her two babies in the car with her, just a few miles from her home and then stopping and firing three more shoots. What I can’t imagine is the amount of pain she must have been in to commit this horrible act or why she thought this was a reasonable and rational solution. I simply can’t imagine. I also can’t imagine a God who would have knowingly let this happen, who would have predicted this outcome and let people suffer. That is not the God that I know.

About ends and beginnings blog

I am a frustrated writer and poet waiting to be discovered. A stand-up philosopher performing on a street corner near you. A Christian with questions but I don’t want to hear your answers. A Buddhist with a bumper sticker on my truck to prove it. A collector of quotes. A grower of lettuce. The Patron Saint of earthworms who name their children after me. A cyclist whose big ass strains the seams of his Lycra bibs. I am American by birth, Southern by the grace of God. My goal in life is to leave an imprint on the lives of the people I love not a footprint on the earth. I am a son, a husband, a father composed of 65%-Oxygen, 18%-Carbon, 10%-Hydrogen, 3%-Nitrogen, 3%-Diet Coke and 1%-Oreo.
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11 Responses to What God knows

  1. William Tell says:

    I am reluctant to diminish the tragedy of the situation by engaging in intellectualism. However, the God I believe in DOES NOT know every detail of the historical future. Rather, because of human free will, the specific historical future is always somewhat in doubt — even to God.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awful situation for everyone involved. No comment on God or his “purpose.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m having a lot of that in my neck of the woods – a guy just murdered four, possibly five, young men, supposedly robbing them during pot deals (which still makes no sense)…the amount of judgement, etc. from supposed christians and humans in general blows me away. I could rant and rant, but reading this, you have my same perspective of compassion, and just wondering why… I had always questioned, “where is god in these atrocities” and I keep coming back to – he’s not. The person who committed these acts have supplanted god, by choosing who lives and who dies. I do believe everything happens for a reason, and when you cannot determine what that reason could possibly be, compassion is the only answer. I remember Susan Smith too. I followed that obsessively, same thing – I couldn’t understand how a mom could kill her babies. At the end of it, you’re right – there is a lot of pain.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nan says:

    … and if that is the true nature of God, then I don’t believe in God or any of the other trappings of the Christian faith.


    Liked by 2 people

  5. Been around the block many times with God and the people who try to second guess what and who God is. Suffice it to say that I’m back to square one, “God is” No descriptions, no definitions, simply, “God is” Everything else about God is manmade theology. But, why would anyone profess a God which includes such atrocities as you described in “God’s plan”.? It’s akin to saying the Holocaust was in the plan and human goodness could not have stopped it.

    Liked by 1 person

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