Respect for the flag and country

“The trip by @VP Pence was long planned. He is receiving great praise for leaving game after the players showed such disrespect for country!” – Trump tweet 10/9/17

In 2016, NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick began protesting by not standing while the national anthem was being played before the start of games. His decision was motivated by what he viewed as the oppression of people of color in the United States. He stated that; “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

As with all things Trump he has turned this into a self-serving circus. For Trump this has nothing to do with respecting the flag or this country. This is a show for an audience of one, a distraction, a way for Trump to prove to the world and himself that he is relevant. Is it racist? Oh hell yea, as racist as any action or statement he has made in the past and will make tomorrow. It has two targets, disrespecting and marginalizing people of color and giving his lily-white fan base something to wave their red baseball caps in the air about, flag and country. It is a simple-minded formula for the simple minded masses. It worked for Lenin, it worked for Hitler, and it worked for Castro.

As Republican Senator Bob Corker noted yesterday “the White House has become an adult day care center.” There is no question in my mind that Trump is mentally ill but as terrifying as that my seem here is the thing that bothers me the most, what does that say about the mental stability of his 30-35% base?

In his book The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, clinical psychologist Craig Malkin noted that Trump displays signs of “extreme present hedonism” the tendency to live in the moment without considering consequences, seeking to bolster one’s self-esteem no matter what the risk. He also exhibits “narcissistic personality disorder” which includes believing you’re better than others, exaggerating your achievements and expecting constant praise. When you combine hedonism, narcissism and bullying, you get “an impulsive, immature, incompetent person who, when in the position of ultimate power, easily slides into the role of the tyrant.” Seems like an apt description of the man we “call” the President of the United States.

Trump has positioned himself as the “Patriotic President” protecting the symbols of this country and the rights of its citizens but never forget what his ultimate intentions are, to divide this country and appeal to just one segment of the population, white Americans and more specifically, white Christian Americans. We should all be less concerned by the perceived threat of North Korea and more concerned about the internal class and race war he is trying to drag us into. The battle lines are drawn with every tweet, every Facebook post and every interview on Fox & Friends. This isn’t about the flag, or country or protecting a particular way of life it is about what it has always been about from the very beginning, the ego of Donald Trump.

“Nobody could have done what I’ve done for #PuertoRico with so little appreciation So much work!” – Trump tweet 10/8/17

About ends and beginnings blog

I am a frustrated writer and poet waiting to be discovered. A stand-up philosopher performing on a street corner near you. A Christian with questions but I don’t want to hear your answers. A Buddhist with a bumper sticker on my truck to prove it. A collector of quotes. A grower of lettuce. The Patron Saint of earthworms who name their children after me. A cyclist whose big ass strains the seams of his Lycra bibs. I am American by birth, Southern by the grace of God. My goal in life is to leave an imprint on the lives of the people I love not a footprint on the earth. I am a son, a husband, a father composed of 65%-Oxygen, 18%-Carbon, 10%-Hydrogen, 3%-Nitrogen, 3%-Diet Coke and 1%-Oreo.
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5 Responses to Respect for the flag and country

  1. Scottie says:

    If tRump had such respect for the flag and country, he could show it by respecting the people of this country and learning about the rights they have. All of the people. However as you show, he is only interested in one person , himself. Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m with you; I worry almost as much about all these folks who still love this man as I do about the man himself. They share his seriously distorted worldview, and regard him as civilization’s last hope. Makes me shudder thinking about it.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Nan says:

    Not sure I totally agree … We should all be less concerned by the perceived threat of North Korea … .

    When tRump tweets things like this … “Presidents and their administrations have been talking to North Korea for 25 years, agreements made and massive amounts of money paid hasn’t worked, agreements violated before the ink was dry, makings fools of U.S. negotiators. Sorry, but only one thing will work!” And then when asked about the tweets, he replies, “You’ll figure that out pretty soon.”… I find it difficult to be “less concerned” about No. Korea.

    I know he’s a first-class “blusterer” but nevertheless, I wouldn’t put it past him to turn his threats into action if he thinks it will gain him more praise and kudos from the deplorables.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. His babysitters need to explain to him “mutual annihilation”. Ain’t no bunker deep enough or fortress strong enough to protect him should he push the button. The only regret I’ll have is that I probably won’t survive to see his fat ass hanging off Trump Tower. Secondly, as a football fan, I am pissed as hell that the moron has politicized the NFL. Would someone please tell him to stay in his playpen when the big boys go outside to play? Give him a rattle…or a pacifier.

    Liked by 3 people

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