Taking a break, again

I have some decisions to make in the coming weeks and months, decisions about my work future, decisions about the direction of my life.

I have enjoyed writing post on WordPress and sharing my thoughts, hopes and wishes on this weird little universe. I have also enjoyed getting to know many of you and reading your responses to my thoughts, hopes and wishes. But after almost two years and 758 post I need to take a break, again. I am not so much tired as I am just brain-dead from all the crazy shit that seems to be circling around us.

Unfortunately I take some of this crazy shit too seriously and at times too passionately. It bears a weight that seems to heavy for me to shoulder and I get mad wondering why more people aren’t as pissed off about it as I am. That’s not healthy. It’s not healthy for me or for the people who I love.

I have a birthday coming up, 57 years old, just three years away from 60. I know 60 isn’t old, hell the closer I get to it the younger it seems to be but there is something about the number, 60, it’s a big number and I have begun to wonder if I am ready to handle the responsibility that comes with the number. Today, right now, I am not.

I have learned a lot from many of you over the last two years. Lessons of courage, of compassion and empathy. It has been interesting to hear your stories. Interesting to feel your warmth through a computer screen. Interesting to see your support as a footnote to what I have created with two fingers and minimal gray matter between my ears. I thank each of you for that.

I have also experienced hate, anger and intolerance from the words I have stringed together. I have never worried about what people think of me, I am very comfortable in my skin but it does hurt me to think that some of these same people who attack me are attacking others that might not be able to handle it as well as I can. Intolerant bully’s attack the soft spots of other humans that they perceive as being easy targets. Skin color, sexuality, and religion seem to be the most common soft spots targeted today. Sadly, we have a bully President that has embolden these people, giving them a voice to spew their hate. What hurts me the most is I can’t protect the people these bully’s or our President target. That is just the Dad in me, but it weighs heavy on my soul.

So I am going to recharge and enjoy the holidays with my family. I am going to think about where I am headed and hope I see some signs from God, Buddha, Brahma or Santa Claus along the way to help direct me. As I have done in the past I will respond to any comments that need responding too and I am happy to get into a battle of wits with any of you pious Christians who take personal offense to my positions about your beliefs (I said I was taking a break, not dying).

So to each of you, whatever you celebrate or don’t celebrate use this time over the coming weeks to love each other but most importantly, love yourself. There is no way we can love each other or love the blessings of this creation if you don’t begin with loving YOU!

Peace & Blessings

“Human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives.” – Howard Zinn

About ends and beginnings blog

I am a frustrated writer and poet waiting to be discovered. A stand-up philosopher performing on a street corner near you. A Christian with questions but I don’t want to hear your answers. A Buddhist with a bumper sticker on my truck to prove it. A collector of quotes. A grower of lettuce. The Patron Saint of earthworms who name their children after me. A cyclist whose big ass strains the seams of his Lycra bibs. I am American by birth, Southern by the grace of God. My goal in life is to leave an imprint on the lives of the people I love not a footprint on the earth. I am a son, a husband, a father composed of 65%-Oxygen, 18%-Carbon, 10%-Hydrogen, 3%-Nitrogen, 3%-Diet Coke and 1%-Oreo.
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21 Responses to Taking a break, again

  1. Enjoy your well-deserved break from the insanity. You inspire many of us to be better people and, yes, we will carry on the work, each on our own path as directed by the entities you also seek in guidance. Love ya, brother.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Suze says:

    You need to know, that you shall be missed. We will think of you often. Perhaps not every single day, but we will think of you and wonder how you are…what you are doing..what you are thinking. You have brought joy to us. You have made us think and feel. We have firmly placed you in our hearts and minds and think of you as a beloved friend. Reconnect with the things that are truly important to you, spend time with your family and friends….and know we shall be waiting for the day you decide to start up again. This isn’t an End…but a much needed break. May God watch over you and yours as you go about your daily life…may he protect and guide you. ❤

    Liked by 4 people

  3. You’ve earned this rest, brother. Give yourself a little TLC, and enjoy the time with family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have only been blogging for a couple of months, but I was happy to find your voice out there in the blogosphere wilderness. We are fellow travelers with regards to your many opinions and in age, as I too am weeks away from turning 57. Enjoy your Holidays and your break from blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Peace and blessings to you, too. Have a restful and enjoyable Christmas Season with your loved ones ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Scottie says:

    Best wishes and many future hopes for you. Have you ever thought of video blogging. Doing short YouTube videos? you could get your thoughts across in a whole new way. Whatever you do, enjoy yourself. Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Suze says:

    You must know that we will all miss you. We will miss the erudite rants, the sweet memories you have shared…the questions….the snarky answers. I’m happy you are taking time for yourself, time with your loved ones……..time to decompress and recharge. I am sad I won’t have your words to read though. I will still be here should you return, and look forward to that day. Merry Christmas and may the new year bring blessings upon you and yours.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Nan says:

    As I probably said the last break you took … Nooooo! You can’t do this to us!

    Seriously, I do understand. Although where I am in life (several years on the other side of 60), to not take part in the blogosphere (writing and/or reading) would leave my days barren and boring. *sigh*

    But that’s just me.

    In any event, know that you will most definitely be missed. Enjoy your time off with food, friends, and family. We’ll be here when you get back. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  9. You are smart. I am soon planning to quit posting stuff about #NotMyPresident on Twitter so I can get back to my novel & get it finished & published!
    Wishing you a wonderful holiday season! 😉 ❤
    Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” will be out en Español very soon! It is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
    Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too.
    You can watch it on YouTube or go to my home page:

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Patty says:

    Going to miss you, again, dear Mr. Legend. Enjoy every moment of the upcoming weeks, you definitely deserve it. I truly hope to see you back, some day in 2018 and thought provoke, inspire, and stimulate us with your marvelous pieces of art(icles).
    Love, hugs and XxX

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Gina Marie says:

    I’ve done a poor job of commenting for a good while, but know you’ve blessed me. To know that somewhere, someone is advocating or venting or writing the things I want to vent or write about is a great comfort. You’ve made me think beyond my limited world view, and you’ve made me laugh often too. But I get where you’re coming from and I too have not blogged for some time. Even as I know I’ll miss you showing up on my reading list, I somehow know we will remain connected and that – someday – I’ll ‘see” you again. Until then, happy birthday to come, happy holidays, enjoy your family, and enjoy the ride!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Ms. Gina, I have missed you. I just read your latest post and, being nosy, I know the city you moved too. As a matter of fact I was just there Saturday helping my kids pick-up some furniture from a friend moving to the west coast. I love the city. It is a mix bag of conservative, socially conscience, and artsy people, in other words, balanced. My wife and I head up there to watch the bike race and hike every year. I hope that you will enjoy living there as much as we love visiting. Happy holidays and thanks for being in my universe.

      Liked by 1 person

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