God elected Donald Trump and I don’t feel so good myself


“I don’t have any scientific information. I don’t have a stack of emails to read to you. But I have an opinion: I believe it was God. God showed up. He answered the prayers of hundreds of thousands of people across this land who had been praying for this country.” – Franklin Graham at a Trump rally in Mobile, Alabama

I thought I would take a break for the rest of 2016 but I just couldn’t let this one go. For any of you that have followed my blog you know that I have a very strong opinion about the Alt-Right Reverend Franklin Graham, (Post #1, Post #2 and Post #3). You may have also gathered by now that they aren’t favorable opinions at that.

The Apostle Graham hedged his bets during the election. He didn’t pick a winner, or support a particular candidate, although he did show some early love and hugs to a couple of them, not Trump mind you. Franklin simply sat on the sidelines exclaiming for all the world to hear that God would have His hands in this year’s election like no other. Doom was upon us, DOOM (cue the thunder), and the only way to prevent it from continuing was through the efforts of God casting His vote on our behalf. I didn’t get the memo.

I am not sure what Graham’s fall back strategy would have been if Clinton had won. I, for one, certainly wish it had happened. But never the less, rest assured given his flair for the dramatics, it would have been very entertaining for those of us unamused with his brand of the Christian faith.

“I only know what is. Also, I’m very big on what was. On what isn’t yet, I haven’t got a clue.” – George Burns, “Oh, God”

What’s funnier and even more shallow is how both Graham and Trump have seized on this glorious atonement. Graham proclaims it from high atop his Facebook mountain, and Trump simply plays along, looking like the orange cat that ate the canary. I can think of no individual less likely to be have been God’s first draft choice for President than Donald Trump. I mean come on Bible thumpers what thread of Jesus do you see in Donald Trump’s shiny suits? What words of Christ do you hear this man utter? What traits of your Lord and Savior do you see in his actions? Help me out here, I dare you.

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” – 1 Peter 3:3-4

“For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.” – 1 John 2:16

“Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.” – Ecclesiastes 5:10

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” – Matthew 6:24 

I realize that I have simply grabbed verses out of the biblical sky to make a point without any context (I hate when the anti-gay crowd does this with Paul) but these verses are pretty straight forward and for me very clear. I challenge any of you good christian Trump supporters to find a sentence or verse, with context, in your Bible that predicted the American people would elect an egotistical, narcissistic, thin-skinned, money loving saviour like Donald Trump. I have one;

“They worshiped the dragon who had given authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can wage war against it?” The beast was given a mouth to speak arrogant and blasphemous words, and authority to act for forty-two months.”- Revelation 13:4-5

Why forty-two months rather than forty-eight? I am almost too cared to find out.

“This is one of the most exciting nights of my life. Make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!” – David Duke, former KKK grand wizard




About ends and beginnings blog

I am a frustrated writer and poet waiting to be discovered. A stand-up philosopher performing on a street corner near you. A Christian with questions but I don’t want to hear your answers. A Buddhist with a bumper sticker on my truck to prove it. A collector of quotes. A grower of lettuce. The Patron Saint of earthworms who name their children after me. A cyclist whose big ass strains the seams of his Lycra bibs. I am American by birth, Southern by the grace of God. My goal in life is to leave an imprint on the lives of the people I love not a footprint on the earth. I am a son, a husband, a father composed of 65%-Oxygen, 18%-Carbon, 10%-Hydrogen, 3%-Nitrogen, 3%-Diet Coke and 1%-Oreo.
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69 Responses to God elected Donald Trump and I don’t feel so good myself

  1. Nan says:

    I so totally understand and agree with you … but quite frankly, I’m getting a bit worn out from all this tRump talk. NOT because I feel any less heartsick that he is going to lead (?) this country, but just because I’m sick, sick, sick of hearing/seeing his name! I mean, it’s everywhere! On Facebook, Twitter, the media, in Letters to the Editor, blogs, among family and friends …

    (And yes … hanging head in shame, I talk about him just as much as everyone else.) 😦

    And to think we will continue to drown in his name for four (hopefully no more than that) more years into the future. Argghhhh!

    P.S. I’ve heard more than one person say he’s the “Anti-Christ.” HA! Wouldn’t Franklin, et al, be surprised if the man they fawned over turned out to be the one with horns and a tail. Bwwaaahhhhaaa!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nan I feel your pain, but I can’t not voice my opinion about this. Honestly it would be disingenuous if I didn’t. I see the hypocrisy by the Christian right and I don’t understand how they don’t. I take that back, they don’t see it because their eyes are closed. They got their big R at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and everything else is just noise.

      Unfortunately for me I am preaching to the choir. Rarely, if ever, do I get any push back in the WordPress universe. I want push back. I want to hear the logic of the Christian right on why a vote for Trump was indeed a vote for Christ.


  2. How anyone can claim God helped install an amoral, immoral, dishonest, vulgar person like Trump as President is beyond me.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Cara says:

    Yeah I’m not shocked that a man who calls himself “Reverend” spouted off about god having a hand in the outcome of the election. Every religious leader (the ordained and the self-proclaimed) think god will see to it that their candidate wins ANY election.

    So the Reverend thinks god chose The Donald. I’m sure the Reverend is very happy with god’s choice, but those of us who live in the real world are less than thrilled.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Regardless of one’s own worldview, the election of political outsider Donald Trump as President of the United States clearly signaled the roaring back to life of Christianity in Western Civilization.

    For it was the common Christian, downtrodden after a nearly 30 year horror show of the Bill Clinton,  George W. Bush and Barack Obama regimes who quietly and lawfully voted to pull the plug on the whole blasted mess.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So Donald J. Trump is the savior that “signaled the roaring back to life of Christianity in Western Civilization”?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ends,

        Jesus Christ is the Savior.

        Donald Trump is simply the right man at the right time which seems to happen a lot in American history.

        That makes him more like George Washington or Abraham Lincoln.

        My complaint against the Reverend Graham is that if a President Trump is the will God, how does he explain Bill Clinton or Barack Obama?

        Those two men are walking, talking cultural wrecking balls.


        • And on what authority have you come to this conclusion that “Donald Trump is simply the right man at the right time”? Is there a biblical reference? A burning bush?


          • Ends,

            It doesn’t take any authority whatsoever for an educated, thinking person to notice the remarkable, exceptional quality of American history.


          • You have but one authority, one law giver which aren’t earthly laws and you have chosen to confirm your decision and base your opinions on earthly rationals. A pretty weak argument to hide behind.


          • Ends,

            It is our ability to reason that defines us as Homo sapiens.

            Using that ability is one way that human beings fulfill their human nature.

            Since we are endowed by God with our human nature, using our ability to reason is fully within God’s own authority.


          • My friend, you haven’t answered any of my questions or explained how your God chose this reckless and careless man to lead this country. You seem to be blinded by the same light that has and will continue to fool those of you waiting for some glorious savior to restore Christian normalcy, ideals and utopia to the United States.

            The reality is and always will be that you and I don’t have any answers, only questions. We may think we have chosen the right side, the right faith, we may believe our side is the “only” side and everyone else got it wrong. We may even be willing to defend our “rightness” to the death but in reality death will be the only action, the only elucidation to know if we got it right or wrong, if we picked the correct team or not or if it even mattered. I am betting that it didn’t matter, that God opens Her arms to everyone, even Donald Trump.

            I wish you the best of luck on your journey and I hope it is a journey of compassion and love for everyone, even those not on your side of the religious fence.

            Liked by 3 people

          • Ends,

            Your questions are pretty much the same ones I have for Christians of the Reverend Graham’s brand except that I have a very positive view of THE Donald.

            My thinking is based on Natural Law Theory, not modern and postmodern Bible-thumping Christianity.

            As a result, I don’t quote the Bible much in discussions which concern our secular politics.


          • Again, give me some basis, some rational for your positive view of The Donald. I am sure it would be easy for you to tell me all the things that are wrong with President Obama. Seems all righteous Christians can. Just reverse the course. Tell me all the things that are right with President-Elect Trump.


          • Ends,

            I’ve already answered your question in my first comment.


          • “Regardless of one’s own worldview, the election of political outsider Donald Trump as President of the United States clearly signaled the roaring back to life of Christianity in Western Civilization.
            For it was the common Christian, downtrodden after a nearly 30 year horror show of the Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama regimes who quietly and lawfully voted to pull the plug on the whole blasted mess.”…..No you didn’t but that’s okay. I realize it is hard for anyone to fully explain why they would vote for such a “egotistical, narcissistic, thin-skinned, money loving” man such as Donald Trump. Believe me, it is a dilemma for everyone to explain, those on the right and on the left side of the political spectrum. You have four years to come up with an answer, make it a good one, you might need to answer for it later.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Ends,

            Your description of THE Donald is exactly how many of us see Barack Obama and the Clintons.

            The only difference is that Barack Obama and the Clintons have a public legacy of lies, ego, narcissism, thin skin and greed.

            THE Donald has never held public office and thus has no public legacy at all.

            Why not give him a chance?


          • I will give The Donald the same amount of chance (and leash) that you gave President Obama, little to none. I really feel bad for you, and your Kool Aid drinking delusions. Your man does have a public legacy (remember grabbing them by the pussy), and mostly one of his own egomaniacal making. Fortunately his legacy is captured on tape, print and Twitter for the world to see, hear, read and remember. Your categorization of President Obama is unfounded. Is it because he is black? Is it because he has a Muslim sounding name. Or is it the simple fact that he is a Democrat?

            I will say a pray for you my friend. You and your kind need our love and compassion rather than our scorn but boy you make it hard, you make it very hard.

            Liked by 2 people

          • Nan says:

            Barack Obama thin-skinned? Give me a break! After 8 years of being called the N word, being told he lied about his place of birth, being hated, reviled and criticized for every move … YET … he never responded in kind. Your tRump can’t even get past Saturday Night Live caricatures.

            Liked by 3 people

          • Nan,

            It was Bill Clinton who said that “there was a time when Barack would have been fetching us our coffee.

            The racist party is and always was, the Democrat Party.


          • And if you were to explore that statement further you would grasp it’s meaning. But that takes too much effort. It’s easier to take words out of context to justify a point.

            “This is one of the most exciting nights of my life. Make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!” – David Duke, former KKK grand wizard

            Liked by 1 person

          • Ends,

            The KKK originated in the Democrat Party as its defacto military wing.

            In fact, the KKK had as much to do with the election of THE Donald as President of the United States as the Russians, which is zip, zero, nada.


          • You can continue to harken back to the past of the Democratic party but you know damn well the exodus occurred many years ago to the other side, the Republican side. Get a new line of defense. That one is tired and old.

            All the racist elements of this country (groups and individuals) supported one candidate and one candidate only, your man, who elevated Steve Bannon to a position of power to sit next to him on his throne.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Ends,

            Whereas your objection to THE Donald is against him personally, my beef with the Democrat Party is its political philosophy.


          • Oh, so you separate the man from the party? Your hate for President Obama goes well beyond the party it is just easier for you to hide behind that, makes you sound less racist.

            Let me guess what you are worried about; the Supreme Court, Religious Liberty, and Abortion. You and Franklin, the same goosestep each year.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Ends,


            These pictures show that Hillary voters like you are on the lunatic fringe and that THE Donald voters like me are mainstream, sane, normal people.

            THE Donald won 2626 counties.

            Hillary won only 487 counties.

            When you start to babble about the KKK it is clear that you are foaming at the mouth with so much hatred that you can’t think straight.

            Get over it, Ends.

            You’re a loser.


          • Lol so your true colors come out. I knew they would. All that calm psycho babble. Christian my ass your a racist piece of crap just like the rest of them. Kiss the ring my friend and then stick your head up his ass and try to find the sunshine. Go ahead say it “White Power”. What a joke

            Liked by 1 person

          • Ends,

            People like me, good people, are sick and tired of frothing at the mouth psychos like you accusing of being racist, bigot homophobes.

            That you blame me for pointing out how crazy you are, further proves my point.

            And the numbers don’t lie.

            You’re a loser.


          • Yup, same old bullshit, starts out calm and rational, and when we don’t buy your psycho bullshit we are crazy, losers. No reason to accuse you of being a racist, bigot or homophobe. The shoe fits (wingtips I bet). I may be a loser, but at least I am not a racist, egotistical, narcissistic, piece of shit like you 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          • Ends,

            Patience has its limits.

            There is no reason for anyone to endure your foaming at the mouth, insane verbal abuse.

            Abusers like you always blame the victim.

            The best thing for everyone is for you to contain your hatred and abusive behavior.


          • Silence,
            The great thing about having this blog is that I get to pick who has the last word, and you don’t.

            My foaming at the mouth, insane verbal abuse is simply your shortsighted observation. You are done here until you have something worthy to contribute other than the partyline. I love the way you started, trying to remain sane, rational, and detached, but once you get a little pushback, someone who knows what the hell they are talking about you fall apart like they all do. The reality is that we are all the losers. Welcome to the dark ages, welcome to the dark ages.

            Liked by 1 person

        • Oh, and Donald Trump isn’t worthy of breathing the same air that Barack Obama breathes, in my very humble opinion.

          Liked by 2 people

        • Suze says:

          Please, can you give examples of how exactly Mr Obama has failed as the president. I am not being sarcastic or snarky, I would like an explanation. Because honestly I can’t figure out anything he has done that is so awful.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Suze,

            I don’t think President Obama failed.

            Unfortunately he succeeded with almost everything he tried to do.

            That and the fact that the GOP did very little to oppose President Obama is why THE Donald will soon be the next President of the United States.


          • It’s funny how our memory fades after 8 years. President Obama dug this country out of a financial hole caused by the lack of oversight and cronyism of the Republican party. He provided stability, a calm voice and a plan to get our feet back under us. But times are good now and it is just sad that the white working class forgot who got them there.

            And what has Trump done, appointed a cabinet filled with the same Goldman Sachs players that brought this country to its knees. The bankers and the lawyers that own his ass. Time to pay them back and we are writing the check.

            Silence, maybe you are a man of wealth, plenty of money, a nice house, can pay for the best doctors, and take vacations to exoict destinations. Your savior is here, the man with all the toys, young wife #3, shiny suits, fake tan, and a foul mouth. Bask in his glow, wear his red hat and remember what your book tells you about worshiping idols.

            Liked by 1 person

  5. Suze says:

    Well Nan said it so well I can see I don’t have to.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Wow, can’t believe I didn’t hear the thunder down here in Florida. Here’s how it is folks. We have self-serving, pocket-lining, egotistical, bible-thumping, holier-than-thou, money-grubbing religionists who haven’t a clue about compassion and tolerance. And we also have people of spirituality who know and live the words of Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Gandhi, and MLK. Y’all don’t need a college degree to figure out where Franklin Graham and Donald Trump fit in. No doubt Jesus is sitting up in heaven “making his list and checking it twice, gonna find out who’s naughty or nice”…..oops, got the wrong fairy tale…..but, it fits, doesn’t it?

    Liked by 3 people

  7. On a serious note (yes I can be serious) I have numerous Evangelical Christian friends and family whose only explanation to their support and vote for Trump is the potential for nominations to SCOTUS. They have thrown out all other tenets of Christianity in hopes of reversing Roe vs Wade and equal marriage rights. And of course we have ‘Christian Identity’, a hate group listed by SPLC as a white supremacist group basing their ideology on a disturbing interpretation of the bible.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. William Tell says:

    Just now happened to see a headline about Jerry Falwell, Jr. Wondering about fathers and sons. Do you see a similar difference, or sameness, between him and his father, as between Franklin Graham and his father?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Vipin Joseph says:

    Everywhere I see the Americans crying about the ascension of Trump. Now I wonder who elected him?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: Franklin Graham’s groundhog day | Ends and Beginnings

  11. Marie Christine says:

    Thanks for posting! Blogging and staying active is so important. #RESIST. https://goldisfromaliens.com/2017/02/24/2017-and-the-return-of-the-flask/

    Liked by 1 person

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